Who we are

ADECAP – Who we are

The “Asociación de la Defensa y del Desarrollo en las Comunidades andinas del Perú” (ADECAP) was founded in 1985. The name means something like “Association for the Defense and Development of the andean Communities of Peru”. Our aim is to ensure that the runas (Quechua-speaking population of Peru) are able to formulate their problems, find ways to deal with them and  to solve them with their own, governmental, institutional or private resources. In this context the international cooperation plays an important role, too.

We work in eight districts of the province Tayacaja, one of the provinces of Huancavelica.

Our strength is that we are actually controlled by the 92 communities the association consists of and  that our projects are not determined by strangers. In the assemblies, that take place twice a year, the Presidents and representatives of the communities and members of women’s organizations decide on all important matters and realize elections to appoint responsibles. At the end of each month all workers and the Consejo Directivo (Executive-Staff- Responsible for the implementation of projects, agreed in the assembly) come together in Huancayo to inform each other and reflect on the progresses of the projects. All of our working people come from communitieres theirselves and thus have the same socio-cultural background, mentality and way of life to know the people in need. In this way our employees contribute their knowledge as a multiplication factor with their communities having finished their working-period for ADECAP.

Our vision:

Unity, land ownership, cultural, sustainable progress and intercultural autonomy!

Our Mision:

To promote the selfhelp of the natives: The recognition of their problems and finding possible solutions through its own agents, government / public assistance or the solidarity of the international cooperation.

Our principles:

HUK UMALLA, HUK SUNQULLA, HUK MAKILLA! One mind (one head), one feeling (one heart), one forth (one hand).

AMA LLULLA, AMA QILLA, AMA SUA! No lying, no idleness, no thefts.


In “indigenous health”: We promote that the people from the communities adapt new ideas, use and complete their knowledge in order to analyse and decide how they can confront their health problems in a better way.

In “Organisation of indigenous quechua-speaking mothers (OMIK)”: We promote the valuation of women and are geared to equality of gender. We want the organisation of the commune and of ADECAP itself to be leaded by men and women. Furthermore we want to strengthen the knowledge of of womens’ rights and defend them.

In “Bilingual and Intercultural Education”: We stimulate our children so that they develop to communicative, creative, open-minded and healthy children who speak Quechua and Spanish equally fluent and know their environment. At the same time we promote an intercultural and bilingual education in both quality and quantity.

In “Sustainable Agriculture”: We contribute to sovereignty, security and quality in the alimentation of quechua-speaking families while widening their knowledge in sustainable production of aliments in their fields.

In “Basic Infrastructure“: In order to supply the houses with water we install running water systems with sewers and public water spots. This way we can improve the quality and even the quantity of water. „Kausay paqarichimuq“

In “Organisation – Administration“: We strengthen the local institutions of the communities (Economy: ayni, wayka, minka; Politics: consensual, forms of election of their authorities; social-cultural: collectivity, duality, complementarity, spirituality, conviction, resolutions to conflicts, music, dance) in coexistencence with a society based on interculturality.

In „Legal Human Rights“: We make the affirmation visible, that indigenous villages are equal to every village concerning dignity and rights. At the same time we respect the right of every village to be different and consider itself as different; In accord with convention 169 of the International Worker Organisation.

Directive Council ADECAP (Period of september 2017 – september 2019)

  • Anita Lorenzo Potosi – President
  • Nemesio Quispe Crispin – Vice-president
  • Eugenio Matamoros Garcia – Secretary
  • Basilio Asto Ayuque – Treasurer

Comunidades socias: Local representatives and presidents of the Quechua Women Organisations of the member communities of ADECAP.

Administration team

  • Carlos Taipe Campos – Director
  • Mario Alvarez Curahua – Accountant
  • María Chávez Grande – Secretary
  • Edison Huamán Soto – Technical support – Lima